Thursday, September 6, 2018

Golden Gash!!: Demon Revolution Army (remake) [Chapter 37 - The Fallen King Chapter 15]

Golden Gash!!: Demon Revolution Army (remake) [Chapter 37 - The Fallen King Chapter 15]

DeviantART Journal Entry (Part A & Part B): Tue Aug 22, 2017, 12:01 AM

Golden Gash!!: Demon Revolution Army user guide

Golden Gash!!: Demon Revolution Army II - The Fallen King

Golden Gash!!: Demon Revolution Army II - The Fallen King, also known as "Konjiki no Gash!!: Mamono no Kakumei-gun II ~Taoreta Ō~ (金色のガッシュ! !:魔物の革命軍II 〜倒れた王〜)" and "Zatch Bell!: Mamodo Revolution Army II - The Fallen King," is a sub-sequel/extension to my Zatch Bell! / Konjiki no Gash (Bell)!! fan fiction, Golden Gash!!: Demon Revolution Army (specifically my remade version), which is a fan sequel to the Zatch Bell!/Konjiki no Gash!! manga series by Makoto Raiku. This new story arc takes place directly after Chapter 16 of my remade storyline in the other timeline, thus branching off from Chapter 17 and onward, which means that this sub-sequel can be read after Chapter 16 (remake) or after the final chapter (Remake: Chapter 22). However, it is recommended to read this story arc after reading the Revolution from the Dead (RftD) story (Remake: Chapters 1722) due to potential spoilers and that The Fallen King (TFK) arc is labeled after the last RftD chapter.

With the defeat of the Laughing Deathstock Gang by the Acolytes of the Nether, the Demon Resistance Army has continued to fight for Former King Gash Bell's rights to the throne. The current King of Demon World in the past timeline is Lord Gul'ren, Necrolyte Dark Lord of the Nether, and he plans on recreating Demon World from the ideals of his deceased brother Zal'gor, who was King of Demon World 10,000 years ago, in his own dark way. A month later, the former young King and his queen-to-be returned from the Human World to Demon World to D.D. Sanctuary, a refuge from a different dimension created by the Royal Knight Lieutenant General D.D. Veni. The war has gone too long and the Resistance Army launches one final battle to determine whether or not Demon World [Planet Terra] is recoverable or the former young King will have to rule on a whole new planet without being connected to Planet Earth of the mortal universe anymore. Will Demon World be restored or will Lord Gul'ren forever rule the planet in his own peace?

Trivia: Franchises that inspired me to make this new story arc are WarcraftStarCraftHarry Potter, and Star Wars (and Undertale for this chapter)..

Chapter 37 (The Fallen King Chapter 15): Divine Justice

NOTE: This chapter was divided into two parts on DeviantART due to the chapter exceeding over the 64.7 kilobyte limit on DeviantART.

Chapter 35 Recap

[Insert random recap music]
The one pulling the strings from behind, Adikia—the lone female archdevil, the Goddess of Injustice and All That is Evil, the master of manipulation—returned from beyond and placed Dark Guthorax and Warden Neptune under her Morality Curse: Evil Influence and used them as her puppets against the other archangels.

Meanwhile, a battle to the death raged out between Dark King Gul'ren and Warchief Dan'ro Deathstream. With the new nether powers he received from the "Dark Master", Dan'ro Deathscream defeated Gul'ren's Lich King powers. Near victory, the real Lich King awakened and banished both nether-empowered Dan'ro Deathscream and Gul'ren's soul to the Netherworld and aided the archangels against Adikia. Not falling for the same trap Adikia took when battling Yama billions of years ago, Adikia broke her spirit into millions of pieces and fled into Spirit World and has immediately taken control over every wicked demon, devils, and archdevils of the Netherworld with her Evil Influence morality curse. A riot occurred in Spirit World Kingdom.
[/End of random recap music]

Scene: Spirit World Kingdom of Spirit World

[Insert random battle music]
Chaos is spreading throughout Spirit World Kingdom. Before being manipulated by the female archdevilKing Hades has awakened and felt a terrible disturbance in Demon World and noticed the corpse of Behemoth was missing in the Netherworld purgatories. When the archdevils were exiting the Netherworld, that's when things started getting out of hand... as their hands were being controlled and their minds starting shifting... Without knowing it was an ambush, the archdevils of the Netherworld became the female archdevil's puppets under her Evil Influence and started destroying cities in Spirit World Kingdom. All of the sinful demons and devils of the Netherworld were under Adikia's control and they clustered city buildings, killing deceased demons and nephalems non-stop. Spirit World has almost less than half of angelic soldiers and nephalic soldiers that were left behind in Spirit World.

While leading a squad of nephalic soldiers around town to deal with a group of evil-induced devils, General Venierro of Spirit World Kingdom seemed frustrated and wondered, where is she? Her presence keeps disappearing from my senses. I know divine energy is usually undetectable for most non-deities but I had exceptional senses of sensing deities. It's like at the sanctuary all over again. She hides her divine energy very well. This is my fault. I should have stopped her long ago when I suspected Galactica.

The archangels and Dark Guthorax finally appeared in Spirit World Kingdom. A major-ranked nephalic soldier said, "The archangels... and who...?" The military doesn't know who that giant shadow deity was but General Venierro said, "Let the archangels handle the archdevils."

When the archangels saw the amount of chaos Adikia has already caused in the short time, they were deeply shocked on how much destruction Spirit World Kingdom was taken in that very short time. "Oh dear! The Kingdom." Venus covered her mouth with her hands in fear. "What the heck? We just left and the archdevils are causing this much trouble?" Mars shouted in surprise. Dark Guthorax said, "It's unbelievable. I never knew Adikia had this amount of power to control a whole batch of archdevils and millions of devils. I clearly underestimated her abilities. Halt the archdevils, I'm going to fix my mistake and find the puppeteer." Mercury wondered, "She can control all of them?" Warden Neptune yelled, "Gosh! Darn it!" King Jupiter noticed the amount of dark flaming power Hades unleashed on a whole army of nephalems and asked his other brother, "Neptune, help me stop Hades and Cerberus." Neptune agreed. Mars said, "I'll get fatso and Lucid. Mercury, can you do Leviasatan and Asmon?" Mercury nodded and Mars asked his grandfather Saturn, "And gramps?" Saturn responded while holding Ops' sleeping body, "I got to keep my wife... Your grandmother safe." Mars understood, "Okay. Venus, go with gramps back to Paradise." Venus said, "Be safe. All of you."

The archangels proceeded to move on their targets while Venus and Saturn teleported to Paradise.

Scene: Dark Fortress of Demon World (afternoon)

Meanwhile, back on Demon World (Planet Terra), with the deities leaving the living magical universe back into Spirit World, it would normally appear to be peaceful with no more undead, no more Dark Lord, and no more necrolytes or acolytes, but there is still chaos spreading around as the Angel Peacekeeping Army and the Nephalem Military Police Force are battling against dark devils that were unleashed from the void. Dark nephalems, however, are left with confusion on what they should do. The dark nephalems only follow their Nether God Guthorax, who has sided with the archangels, but the dark nephalems were originally out for revenge against those who banished them to the void for whatever reasons they did in the past.

On the base of Demon World near the Dark Fortress, General Venierro could sense the bewilderment among the dark nephalem on what they should do. "Be right back, there is something I must do." The other Resistance soldiers wondered and Venierro teleported to the sky immediately.

Venierro appears in front of a group of dark nephalems. They put up their defenses with one of them shouting, "General Venierro?!" Venierro could sudden sense their fierceness in their minds as they prepared to defend themselves. One of them recklessly casted, "Death Ray!" Venierro intercepted and block the attack with, "Dimensional Portal!" creating a portal to use as a shield to banish the beam of death to an empty dimension. "Calm down, I'm not here to fight." One of the dark nephalems argued, "How can we calm down when you banished us to the void? Remember that, General? It was centuries ago." General Venierro remembered, "Ahh, I see. That was for treason against Enma-dono." The same dark nephalem argued, "He paid for what he did to Guthorax-sama. You weren't there when it happened. You don't know how much we grieved to our fallen Supreme God. You weren't born at the time when I witnessed the birth of Spirit World." General Venierro said, "I know there were better solutions but what was done was done. Enma-dono had no choice." The same dark nephalem argued, "How would you know that?" General Venierro said, "Don't underestimate me. If you know me, you should know I can read minds and sympathize with others. Right now, Guthorax-dono is aiding the archangels against Adikia and I can see you were blinded by her Influence just like he was." The same dark nephalem said, "If you were a great mind reader like you said, how did you not know Guthorax-sama until now." Venierro said, "I wasn't thinking at the time and was unaware of who you meant. We can still make things right. But right now, we must stop those rampaging shadow devils before they kill everything. Will you follow me or must I send you to that prison again?" The dark nephalem that was arguing growled, "Hmm...!" and was thinking. The second dark nephalem corrected him, "Dark devils. I never liked those guys. Clearly, they work for that witch." General Venierro wondered, "What will you guys do?" The main dark nephalem decided, "Whatever. If Master would want this, just this one time, General. You owe us big time for the imprisonment you gave us. Or dear to Guthorax-sama, you'll feel my revenge."

It seems General Venierro convinced the army of dark nephalems to join the battle against Adikia's rampaging dark devils.

Scene: Spirit World Kingdom of Spirit World

The archangels are doing whatever they can to hold off the archdevils that are under the puppetry of Adikia, wherever she may be.

Battle of the Gods: Jupiter and Neptune vs. Pluto "Hades" and Cerberus

Dark flames blazed across town as King Hades and Cerberus goes on a fiery rampage. Dark blazing hellhounds were unleashed by Cerberus's Hellhounds of Fury, devouring demon civilians and nephalic soldiers. Neptune sweeps them away with, "Water Æther: Sea God's Wrath." Cerberus and King Hades focus their attention on Hades' younger brothers. "Neptune, Jupiter... Now how do you like me now, you incompetent fools!" Hades shouted in an uncontrollable rage. "Is that the way how you treat you brothers, Pluto?" asked King Jupiter. "That's Hades-sama to you! You'll feel my wrath and pride!" Hades shouted in his fractious fury. He has an angry dark red aura surrounding him. With the Sea God's Wrath blue water aura surrounding Warden Neptune, he said, "There is no point in talking Pluto out of his rage. He's clearly deep down in her influence even greater than how I felt when I let my emotions loose." King Jupiter said, "Just remember Neptune, we must keep our temper in control or she may use against each other." Neptune said, "We're already bad at that, brother. Here they come."

Cerberus dashes towards King Jupiter. With his Lightning Staff blessing in hand, Jupiter incants, "Lightning Blessing: Lightning Bolt!" firing a bolt of white holy lightning at Cerberus and Cerberus jumps over it, preparing to breath dark hellish flames from each of his three canine mouths at Jupiter. Jupiter defends with, "Lightning Eagle Shield!"

Meanwhile, King Hades and Warden Neptune had a showdown with ranged magic from their tridents. With the underworld scepter, King Hades makes the first move, "Dark Fire Curse: Black Inferno!" Neptune counters with, "Water Blessing: Holy Water Spear!" firing three jets of holy water from his sea trident in an attempt to put out the black flames in the sky, creating a steamy smoke screen. King Hades rushes in on close combat. With the evil aura surrounding him, he incants, "Dark Fire Curse: Black Fire Fist!" and Neptune with the water aura retaliates with, "Water Blessing: Ocean Fist!" Fists of holy water and unholy black fire collides. Even though water should defeat fire, Neptune is feeling pressured with the intense villainous aura that surrounds Hades's anger. Neptune's fist was pushed away and he got clobbered in the face with a blazing punch, "Argh!"

While King Jupiter was doing well holding off Cerberus, he was curious as to what happened to his brothers, "Seriously, you let him get the better of you?" Neptune got up and responded, "Oh, can it, brother. This dreaded aura of his. It's... overwhelming... Nothing I felt before in my life, not from him." Suddenly, an evil feminine voice passed by somewhere in the area, "Hahahahaha! Morality Curse: Inverse Karma [道徳呪:逆の宿縁, Dōtokunoroi: Gyaku no Shukuen]. It can make goody two-shoes like your peeps weaker. It can make my evil subjects stronger. The curse where evil prevails and the good falls. Too bad you two are too neutral to fall into the effect but my slaves are given fortune." Neptune yelled, "Where are you?!" Adikia's voice passes by again, "Hehehehe! You'll be making it easier for me to control you if you take that temper up there... Hehehe! Bye bye!"

She was clearly taunting the other gods while keeping herself hidden in the unknown shadows. Guthorax is still searching for her, though. But this Inverse Karma morality curse does make evil beings much stronger than normal and it increases their luck while decreasing the luck of those with a good heart and the amount of luck depends on the distance of their alignment. Neutral-hearted characters are nearly unaffected. And to demonstrate its powers again, Adikia now gave Cerberus the same dark evil aura and is pushing against King Jupiter, giving Cerberus a slightly better advantage too. Jupiter may be the King of Paradise, the world of good, but King Jupiter always felt neutral like his brother Neptune. But how will the other archangels with rightful hearts handle against the Goddess of Immorality's curse?

Battle of the Gods: Mercury vs. Asmon and Leviasatan

Mercury speeds into action against the grumpy Asmon and the berserking Leviasatan while wearing Neptune's Armor water blessing. Asmon is violently stealing a lot of money in town, destroying banks in Spirit World. Spirit World Kingdom has an economy just like the real world.

Leviasatan, being the Wrathful and Envy Great Demon Lord, is in a frenzied status, destroying everything in his path. Both archdevils were actually quite far apart. I need to stop them both but they are both at such a distance from each other. Even with my speed, it'll be hard to hold them both down simultaneously at such distances and I hate using this one æther spell. It feels more like a curse to be but I never really used æther magic much. "Speed Æther: Godspeed Interlace [速霊気:神速交錯, Sokureiki: Shinsoku Kōsaku]!" Speed Æther: Godspeed Interlace is a pseudo-cloning technique where the user quickly moves back and forth at two different places, which looks like Mercury cloned himself once. However, despite appearing to be "two Mercuries" at once to the human eye, there is still only one moving, alternating between two directions beyond light speed and the further the user's "clone" is separated, the easier it will be able to see that the user is flickering his body between both areas while keeping his posture. Anyways, "both clones" make their ways to Asmon and Leviasatan respectively at light speed. Mercury will most likely feel very dizzy and ill once this double battle is over.

Mercury arrives at the places in the kingdom where Leviasatan and Asmon located nearly in an instant and fiercely shouts at Asmon first (even though he is also shouting at Leviasatan), "Asmon, drop the money and fight me!" He then shouts at Leviasatan (which Asmon is also hearing), "And Dragon God, over here!" Mercury's appearance keeps flashing back and forth but he seems to be having trouble holding his Speed Æther together, krr! I wish I had a real cloning technique but this'll have to do and I'll have to make it work. "Water Blessing: Holy Water Blade!" As Mercury was holding his Caduceus like a sword, he created a triangular holy water blade above the orb of his wand. I'll have to make this quick and send them back to the Netherworld, but interlacing between two long distance areas will make me exhausted and nauseous once this over. "Speed Blessing: Quick Justice!" Traveling between two different areas beyond light speed, Mercury makes extremely dexterous slashes with his holy water-bladed Caduceus in an attempt to immediately finish off Leviasatan and Asmon almost simultaneously.

Leviasatan was defeated and was turned into spiritual particles but it turns out that the Asmon Mercury defeated, wasn't actually Asmon, but an illusion Mercury thought was real. "Kyeeh heh!" Asmon smirks. Suddenly, without Mercury realizing, he received a poisonous sting, "Kerr, what?!" Somehow, Leviasatan managed to poison Mercury through Mercury's alternating positions with his tail. That must have been a random lucky hit Leviasatan landed on Mercury before an immediate death, but the luck was actually caused by Adikia's Morality Curse: Inverse Karma. Mercury received such bad luck while Leviasatan received good luck to hit Mercury him and Asmon received good luck to dodge Mercury's finishing blow. In fact, Mercury's battle was the first one to be affected by Inverse Karma before the battle of the Kings.

Being hit with the poison, Mercury ended his Godspeed Interlace blessing but having bad luck right now, Mercury's body ultimately ended up on Leviasatan's spot and now he has a bad headache along with his body growing weak, "Kerr-Oof! Ohhhh...." All of the symptoms of this 'cursed' Æther are kicking in. I can't see straight. He's really feeling dizzy and nauseous, usually more than he should, and now he's seeing hallucinations, what's going on? I can't see right. Stupid spell, I don't understand! Or is it the venom? However, during the time Mercury flinches, Asmon came to where he was via Illusion Curse: Reflex of the Thief and smacks Mercury with his spiked stone club, "Earth Curse: Gravity Hammer!" Mercury is currently immobilized by the shake in gravity, the helmet of his Neptune Amor broke, and he is slowly dying from the poison. This is bad. What can I do? He tries not to feel hopeless and tries fighting back when he can. He's not giving up yet but he is going to take a beating from Asmon. Perhaps Asmon was the one giving Mercury hallucinations with Illusion Curses. Mercury is really having a bad time being under Adikia's Inverse Karma.

Scene: Places in the Kindom where Belphebub and Lucid are attacking

The Great Demon Lord of Pride and second-in-command of the Netherworld, Lucid, was uncontrollably commanding hundreds of devils to destroy the city, "Fight! Fight with all of your might! Show no mercy!" Surprisingly, he isn't doing anything himself. Lucid is considered to be the smartest and the second most charismatic archdevil (after King Hades) of the Netherworld, but not even his willpower and mentality wasn't able to prevent Adikia from getting the better of him. Belphebub, who was the dumbest among all the archdevils, was easily put under Adikia's control. Belphebub may be rampaging in the city but surprisingly, he hasn't transformed into his original God of Destruction status. Adikia is the only one that could trigger his original form and she can do that at any time. Perhaps she is playing her brutal game carefully or is she just toying with everyone?

"Woo! Look at Fatty go," Mars was surprised. He then said seriously, "But we must stop them at all cost. First fatty, then that traitor Lucid. It shouldn't take me that long to deal with Belphebub." I'm coming for you, next. Mars made a glare at Lucid. Lucid, back when he was an archangel, was a Brigadier General in the Angel Peacekeeping Army.
[/End of random battle music]

Flashback Scene: Paradise in Spirit World over a million years ago

In the military training grounds, some of the low-ranked angelic soldiers of the Angel Peacekeeping Army were training with the few high ranks. The archangel Lucid had light tan skin, no horns, white angel wings, and wearing black armor, wielding his black sword, which is pointed to the ground. It's the same "Nightmare Sword" but back then, he called his weapon "Sacred Night Sword" (神聖夜剣, Shinsei Yotsurogi). He said to two of his students who have fallen down during their sparring match, "Alright, I think that'll be enough for today." One of the angelic soldiers said vigorously while breathing heavily, "Not yet, sir... Just... a little bit more." The angelic opponent said, "We can still go." Both young angels of Private rank stood back up to fight each other and Brigadier General Lucid said, "Very well. Match continued. It'll be a two vee two again. Darkness Blessing: Shadow Guardian." Lucid turned the two fighters' shadows into a shadow clone of themselves to aid them against the opposing team, "Begin!"

After the sparring match ended in a draw, Lucid said, "That'll be enough. Any further and one of you will die, although, dying doesn't matter in the Spirit World. You'll eventually respawn anyway, but it is still considered a crime that we don't want. Darkness Blessing: Moonlight Night [闇恵:影保護者, Yamimegumi: Kage Hogosha]. As Lucid taps his black sword on the ground, the sparring area turned into a night-like sky with sparkling stars and this field of calm, relaxing darkness healed the competitors from their injuries. One of the sparring angels said, "Good match," while the other said, "Good match." They both said to their teacher, "Thank you, Lucid-sama."

Mars, who was a Lieutenant General at the time, was watching the battle and said, "Splendid. Love seeing a good youthful battle." Lucid wondered, "Lieutenant General? When were you here?" Lieutenant General Mars said, "A few moments ago. I was busy with uncle—I mean General Pluto—and my General father." So, it seems Pluto and Jupiter were the two Generals of the Angel Peacekeeping Army back then. Interesting... Mars then said, "Ya know, gramps—I mean—His Holy Majesty, has been thinking about turning down from King lately." Lucid said, "Yeah. If that's true, my vote goes to Pluto." Mars said, "Of course, always biased towards uncle. And my vote is, of course, to my dad. Guess I'm biased too. And I'm sorry you didn't make a cut of being selected as one of the Five Great Angelic Saints. Brother Mercury beat you to it." Lucid lied, "It's fine." Mars could see through it, "You sure? You haven't looked fine ever since lil' bro was chosen. Maybe you'll get a chance next time if my pops take up the throne from the Great Angelic Saints. Or who knows, maybe my wife may take that spot... or maybe my mother Juno. Haha!" Lucid felt slightly triggered by that but remained calm, "We'll see..."

Back then, a maximum of five archangels could become the Great Angelic Saints of Paradise, the higher-ups. They were Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, and Mars, and recently, Mercury. The only archangels that weren't chosen (yet) were Lucid, Venus, and Jupiter's wife. The Goddess of Marriage Juno was adopted by Saturn, sometime during Saturn's life in Paradise after he lost his wife but Juno and Jupiter haven't decided to get together until Jupiter's other lovers departed. Juno would appear to a female archangel with a violet dress, curly hair, and white angel wings with a tint of violet.

Years later, an election to determine the new King of Paradise began and all of the currently known archangels gathered to the palace, including General/Great Angelic Saint Jupiter, General/Great Angelic Saint Pluto, Gatekeeper/Great Angelic Saint Neptune, Princess Juno, Lieutenant General/Great Angelic Saint Mars, Brigadier General Lucid, Great Angelic Saint Mercury, and Venus. King Saturn was sitting on his throne. General Pluto appeared to have lots of confidence in him, we all know who will be the new King. Get on with it, old man. He, as an archangel, appears to have black hair with a short boxed beard, skin as light as his brothers Jupiter and Neptune, white angel wings with a tint of purple, purple robes from his waste but a bare torso with abs, and wielding a grayish red trident. King Saturn said, "So, the time has come that I descend from the throne to one of my children. Neptune, you seemed to have dropped out the race." Gatekeeper Neptune, who was leaning against a wall of the palace with his arms crossed and eyes closed, responded, "I have no desire to become King, Father. Just not my desire to watch over the Heavens." Saturn takes note of that, "Very well. General Pluto, General Jupiter..." They are listening, "From this day forward, one of you Generals of the Angel Peacekeeping Army shall be granted the kingship of Paradise. I have served as King for far long enough, for over millions of year as a co-founder of Spirit World. I have seen many things in my life, great things... terrible things... I'm growing too old..." General Pluto wondered, growing too old? What? For Pete's sake, Father, you are the God of Time. You can make yourself young any time. Just get on with it. He is very impatient. Saturn continues, "... I am giving my title, as the Holy King of Paradise to..." A lot of suspense was kicking in. As seconds passed by, Pluto was feeling more impatient. Jupiter remained completely calm, seemingly mindless. Saturn final decision was then made, "My greatest son, Jupiter. Congratulations, my youngest son. You are the new Holy King of Paradise for eternity."

Most of the archangels cheered for Jupiter. Pluto was utterly shocked, "WHAT?!" and Lucid felt surprised his best friend lost the election but at the same time, he did have a bad feeling Pluto would lose the race. Juno said to Jupiter, "I knew you could do it, my sweet Jupiter." Jupiter couldn't believe it but he was honored. Neptune remained motionless. However, Pluto was feeling a lot of jealousy, anger, and hatred, "You got to be kidding me? I received the majority of the votes, especially from my soldiers, the Peacekeeping Army? Father?" Former King Saturn yelled at his eldest son, "Enough! Pluto, I'm sorry, Son, but you must understand—" Pluto yelled while Jupiter glares at him, "Understand what? You said you were going to make me King, back when I was a kid. I was the one with the most talent. There must be a mistake." Saturn said, "There is a mistake. Pluto, you were always so overconfident, arrogant, prideful... This election wasn't just about the votes. It was also about the passion and love for Paradise. The love for everyone... angels, demons..."

[Insert random dramatic music]
A dark aura surrounds Pluto and he yelled angrily, "You got to be kidding! I spent all my life up to this moment and you take it away from me! He didn't do anything greater than me to deserve the title of King. I devoted my whole life to Paradise!" Pluto aims his trident at Jupiter and Lucid in the back shouts in worrisome, "Pluto-sama, don't!" As Pluto attempted to assassinate his youngest brother Jupiter in jealousy, Mercury quickly pulls his raging uncle back with his speed, "Uncle, stop!" Jupiter couldn't believe his eyes but he did have a bad feeling. Everyone got worried. As Pluto was struggling to away from his nephew, "Get your hands off me!" he threw his trident at Jupiter. Juno yelled, "Jupiter, look out!" Three spikes were appearing in-front of Jupiter's eyes as he flinched too much to react in time. However, with a tap from the former king's cane, "Zone Pause!" former King Saturn uses his Time Æther to halt the motion of the trident in mid-air. Pluto can't move either but he can still think, I can't move. Former King Saturn said, "Pluto, this is why we can't ever choose someone like you to become King of Paradise, a realm of peace and harmony. I've seen your future. I have seen the things you would have done if I've granted you kingship. As my last moments of King of Paradise, I honorably sorry to but this but it is a must. I hereby banish you from Paradise. You may never return here again. Dimensional Portal!" Former King Saturn summons a magical portal to Spirit World Kingdom. Pluto couldn't move a single muscle but he begged in my mind, please! Please! Lucid suggests, "Please stop. Give Pluto-sama another chance. He'll never do it again, I'll put my soul into it. He's your son, for Yama's sake!" Former King Saturn said, "I've given him more than enough chances to straighten up. Lucid, if you continue to defend my son's behavior, you'll have to go with him." Lucid made up his mind, especially since he knows he'll never become a Great Angelic Saint, "Fine. I had enough. Like him, I should have deserved to have a spot as a Great Angelic Saint but forget it." Lucid summons his sword and prepares to go after the former King. He attempts to strike with the power of darkness until he was stopped by Saturn's Zone Pause too. At that time, his holy darkness was starting to turn unholy. General Mars was shocked, "Lucid, how could you?! I thought highly of you." Lucid said, "Forget it, Mars. I'm done. We're done with all of you. Leave us in peace or swear to his Supreme Majesty, we'll come back and strike you all down. Pluto-sama deserves Kingship, I deserve to be higher up." General Mars said, "You crazy... treasonous traitor." Saturn says, "You always say that there was goodness in darkness and I highly believed you in that and you have proven that... but there was also corruption in your heart as well. Just as prideful and arrogant as my eldest son. Begone! Please, do not return." General Mars drags Lucid and both Lucid and Pluto was thrown into a portal down to Spirit World Kingdom.
[/End of random dramatic music]

It won't be long until their pride, anger, and hatred turns them into archdevil and soon, the Netherworld will be finished for Pluto to rule it as King Hades with Lucid as his second-in-command. After the commotion, Juno wondered, "Jupiter, are you okay? I can't believe he did that. I was scared." Jupiter replied, "I guess so. Pluto was always stubborn." Neptune was curious about what Pluto and Lucid may do in the Kingdom, "Hmm..." Everyone could finally relax and Jupiter asked his father, "Father? What will you be doing now?" Former King Saturn sighed and said, "Ehhhh... This is why I couldn't take being King anymore. I just wanted this to be over and it finally is. I much prefer being humble to everyone. I'm sorry you had to see me so grouchy. I'm going to reduce myself to the status of Great Angelic Saint. A Great Angelic Saint of Humility, I feel it be best for who I am. I already feel humiliated by how you Pluto treated you. I really feel bad for you, but I don't feel sorry for him. Take care, my son. You are now the owner of this realm along with your latest wife." Juno was happy, "Ohh, I get to be queen. Oh, but please don't dump me darling like your other exes!" Jupiter said, "Relax Juno, you'll be my queen for eternity. I made you my final, I promise you that."

As Saturn was passing by Neptune, he can tell Neptune was very curious about his elder brother, "I can see something bothering you, Neptune. Your older brother deserved it for the things he did." Neptune said, "I know, but I worry about what he may plan next." Saturn could understand, "Yes." Neptune said, "Father, forgive my rudeness to the new King, but I may step down from my title of Great Angelic Saint and Gatekeeper of Paradise. Give that job to my student and nephew Mercury. I might leave soon... to see that things keep... under control." Saturn understood, "Very well. Plus, Yama-sama would love all the help he needs and I don't see them two doing it. Hmm, I could already see a disaster happening if they aren't checked." Saturn sensed a possible dreadful future, which was fortunately avoided due to Neptune's choice.

It will be soon that Neptune would eventually leave Paradise to become the warden of Spirit Prison and commander of the Nephalem Military Police Force in Spirit World Kingdom and for a while, King Jupiter and the others didn't know why he left, which made Jupiter angry at Neptune for stepping down after he just became King. Anyway, Yama the Enma had too many jobs to do that overloaded him for many millions of years and he was very alone with no other deities helping him.

Battle of the Gods: Belphebub vs. Mars and...?

Before Mars engaged battle with the berserker Belphebub (still restrained by his chains surprisingly), "General Mars!" Mars looks behind him, "Mmm? Oh, you must be General Venierro." General Venierro looked into General Mars' mind and said, "I see that you and Lucid-dono had a history together but allow me and my men to stop him and his men." Mars said, "Wait, how'd you..." General Venierro explained his psychic power, "Mind reading. My apologies for invading your thoughts. We'll wait for you when you're done with Belphebub." General Mars said, "Alright but save Lucid for me. I'll finish him myself." General Venierro understood and teleported away to confront Lucid's devilish soldiers while Mars was focused on Belphebub.

[Insert random battle music]
"Hey, Fatso! Over here! Fire Blessing: Phoenix Fire!" Mars throws a holy fireball at Belphebub to get his attention. As he slowly turns around, "Uuun? You calling me fat? You hurt Belphebub?! Belphebub will kill you! Raaargh!!! Chain Curse: Chain Frenzy!!!" Belphebub's chains went wild, destroying buildings in Belphebub's path as he charged after Mars. Mars incants, "Fire Blessing: Feathers of the Phoenix!" Mars creates an aura of holy flames around him (which will slowly heal him over time if he takes damage). As Mars was charging in, getting close to Belphebub's wild chains, he also incants, "Fire Blessing: Wings of the Phoenix!" increasing his flying velocity to be able to dodge the chains until he got in close combat with Belphebub, "Fire Blessing: Beak of the Phoenix [火恵:鳳凰の嘴, Kamegumi: Hōō no Kuchibashi]!" While holding his backup holy sword, Mars aims for the giant cyclops's eye with a fiery sword slash. Using the luck Belphebub gained from Adikia's Inverse Karma, Belphebub grabs Mars's holy flamin' sword and while Belphebub's left hand may be burning but he doesn't seem to care or filnch. "What?!" Mars looks at Belphebub's angry face. Belphebub smashes the blade of Mars's sword with a single burnt hand and shouts, "Wind-Sound Curse: SCREAAAAAAM!!!!!" Belphebub then blew his burnt hand to cool it down. Mars was blasted across town by a loud gust of sonic waves and having his ears screamed out, it made him temporarily deaf with his ears ringing loudly in his brain, "Oww! My ears. Why can't I hear myself? Huh?" His hearing will recover from his Feathers of the Phoenix blessing but right now Belphebub jumped high into the air despite the size of his body and incants, "Wind Curse: Force!" Belphebub unleashed a blast of wind from his right fist, which pushed Belphebub back up into the air while pummelling Mars to the ground, "Garrrgh!" As Mars was getting up he said, "How's he this strong? I thought he was always lazy. Good challenge, though."

As Belphebub landed on the ground, making a small quake on the divine grounds with his heavy bare body, the devilish sexy voice said in his head, "Hehe! I think play time is over. Belphebub, my dear, my creation, don't you think it's time to destroy this pathetic realm?" The voice then said sinistrously, "Release all your anger. Kill him! Kill everything in this world! Show no mercy!" Using her Evil Influence, Adikia made Belphebub go deeply berserk, unlocking his true powers, "RAAAAAAAAGH!!!! Anti-Chain Curse: Breaking the Seal!!!" Belphebub's wrathful voice raged out and his chain shackles broke. "What's going on?" Mars wondered. Belphebub turned into his God of Destruction original form and Adikia laughed evilly somewhere, "Ahh-hahahahahaha!!!! Get rid of this fool and this entire world." "What the heck is this?!" Mars is so confused. Belphebub makes a war cry, "Raaaaagh!" then incants his spell, "Death Nether: Death Ray!" firing a death beam at Mars. He was caught off-guard due to the bad luck from Adikia's Inverse Karma. "What?" As tried shielding himself, Mars immediately blew up into spiritual particles. Adikia laughs and takes Mars' soul, "Ahh-hahahaha!!!!"

As General Venierro was trying his best to keep Lucid restrained, he felt Mars's thoughts and presence disappearing, "No!" The heck is going on there? This rage, this insanity, I never felt anything like it from an archdevil. Just what is Belphebub?

Scene: Paradise's Observatory in Spirit World

Seeing her half-brother and husband's body disappearing into soul particles and being taken away, Venus cries in Paradise's Observatory area as she watched the battles, "No! Mars!"

Battle of the Gods: God of Destruction Belphebub vs...?!

God of Destruction Belphebub wasn't done yet. He raised his flabby arms in the air and prepares his spell of ultimate destruction, "Destruction Nether: Erasure Bomb!" A blob of dark red energy forms into a sphere, growing intensely. He plans on obliterating the entire Spirit World Kingdom. And if he succeeds, the rest of the Spirit World realms... Paradise... Netherworld... they'll be at calamity and will eventually collapse with nothing supporting them since Spirit World Kingdom is the main base that holds all other afterlife realms.

Suddenly, Belphebub and his ultimate's spell has completely paused, frozen in time... motionless... Saturn appeared, "Zone Pause... I will not allow you to destroy Spirit World again. Not this time!" Again? Did it happen? Saturn thought to himself in guilt, forgive me, my grandson. I didn't make it in time. Saturn's eyes were shaking. Somewhere in the area, while she can't be seen, Adikia is seemingly confused, "Did he? What happened to the Eye? How's he there?" Dark Guthorax teleports next to Belphebub and said, "Time to get rid of my mess once and for all. Destruction Nether: Obliteration!" Belphebub's body and his ultimate spell simply exploded. "I should have done that first." He then yells, "Adikia, show yourself!" Adikia, still invisible, was frustrated and wondered, "Why you—?! How are you here... and in the void at the same time?! Dimensional Clone? A copy? What?" Saturn explained, "Time Æther: Spacetime Conversion [時空霊気:時空間変換, Jikūreiki: Jikūkan Henkan]. The void of non-existence has been overwritten and replaced with that from a disastrous future you caused with that monster. Adikia, your reign of evil is over. Stealing Yama-sama's title as Supreme God, you might be aware of what just happened and I won't let you do it again. I'll never forgive you for what you did to my grandchildren... No, and me as well. That's some evil power you have, to control people's destiny even beyond my time manipulation power. But there are still flaws within your power that my power exceeds."

NOTE: I would have loved to call Spacetime Conversion, "Dimensional Chronomorph," but I'll stick with the actual kanji translation with the kanji I've chosen.

Alternate Scene: What actually happened before Saturn rewound time

After killing Mars, Belphebub charged up his Erasure Bomb to maximum power. At a distance, Guthorax just now noticed a large sphere of absolute destruction over Belphebub, "What? How'd I miss this? Belphebub, no! STOP!" Adikia laughs somewhere around there, "Ahh-hahahahaha! Bye bye, Spirit World!" and escapes Spirit World back into the living world. God of Destruction Belphebub shouts, "Destroy... EVERYTHING!" and threw his ginormous dark ball of total annihilation on the divine ground. The entire Spirit World Kingdom was obliterated.

With nothing supporting both Paradise and Netherworld, both realms were crumbling into destruction. The air was quaking. Saturn was shocked, "Nooo! The Kingdom! It's gone! His Majesty, Neptune, my grandsons, the civilians... everyone..." He's sweating badly. Ops, who was laying on Saturn's lap while Saturn sits on the King's throne, was still unconscious. Saturn thought to himself, with nothing supporting Paradise or the Netherrealm, these realms will fall apart. I must rewind time. The Eye of Spacetime Distortion is still active in the void but Saturn tries it anyway, "Time Blessing: Time Revert!" Nothing happened. "Time revert! Time revert!" Saturn focuses as hard as he can... don't fail on me now.
[/End of random battle music]

All of the fallen deities appeared in the void, confused, but they are all lost from each other and don't know what to do. However, Guthorax, being the God of the Nether, said, "Back into the void, I see." He doesn't see any other deity around him. However he is still able to communicate with the existing world and tells Saturn telepathically, Saturn, calm down. Saturn wondered, Guthorax-sama? Guthorax said telepathically, All of Spirit World Kingdom is in the void. Everyone should be around here somewhere but you must listen to me. I'll find and stop the artifact that's sealing space-time control. When I do, can you overwrite the void of the past with this void? Saturn responded, yes, but hurry. Paradise is crumbling down without Spirit World Kingdom holding it. The Netherworld will crash too.

Guthorax finds a nether spirit of Adikia holding the Eye of Spacetime Distortion and incants, "Death Nether: Obliteration!" obliterating the piece of Adikia and the Eye of Spacetime Distortion. However, having nowhere to go, the Eye of Spacetime Distortion and Adikia's spirit will respawn in random places of the void. From there, before Paradise completely shatters, Saturn incants quickly and recklessly, "Time Æther: Time Revert! Time Æther: Spacetime Conversion!" Spacetime Conversion can only be casted when the caster is using another Time Æther that induces time traveling. With the advanced space-time spell Spacetime Æther: Spacetime Conversion, the caster can make any area(s) of any place(s) of the current time and replace the area of the time he's traveling to, carrying those chosen areas with him during his time travel. That means duplicates of the existing archangels and everyone from Spirit World Kingdom will also be found in the void in the current timeline.

Flashback scene near the current time

However, without calculating his Time Revert correctly since he was struggling as fast as he could (or if he was somehow affected by Adikia's Morality Curse: Inverse Karma), he rewound back a few minutes, right before Belphebub goes Destruction God mode but was too late to save Mars or Mercury. He opens his eyes as Paradise looked normal again but he realized he didn't go back too far, "No! I shouldn't have rushed. I gotta stop Belphebub from destroying Spirit World." Saturn tells Guthorax telepathically, Guthorax-sama, what are you doing? Belphebub is about to blow up Spirit World. I wasn't able to time travel far enough to protect my grandkids due to my reckless attempts. Guthorax got the message and heads over in Belphebub's direction, How could I be so blind, thinking she was here? Adikia must be over there. She must have triggered his true form. It's my fault for making such a destructive creature. Guthorax teleports to that location.

Scene: Aftermath of the battle against God of Destruction Belphebub

Back in the present time, Adikia said while she was still undetectable, "No matter. Master, kill them all!" Guthorax said, "Your Evil Influence or mental manipulation won't work on me anymore. You used me for eons in plotting to escape the void and destroy Spirit World. I see the truth now. You can hide all you want but I'll continue to hunt you down until Themis regains her true form." Adikia laughs, "Ahh-hahahaha! You got to be joking. Themis is dead. Dikē is dead. You killed her eons ago." Guthorax said, "No. As long as you're alive, there is still hope." Adikia said, "Dream on, I'm out of here. Bye bye!" Adikia suddenly disappears from Spirit World.

Guthorax said, "Now I know for certain I can't sense Adikia anywhere. Where is she?" "Hmm..." Saturn closed his eyes and looked places in Spirit World and in the living worlds from now to the future. He found her and was shocked, "Ahh!" "Hmm?" Guthorax wondered. Saturn started sweating, "She's... Planet Ishtar, our home planet... It's a planetary riot!" Guthorax was surprised, "Hmm!" He then said, "I'll go." Saturn said, "I'd like to go with you. Ishtar was my planet as much it was yours but the Military Police would need my assistance to suppress Lucid." Guthorax said, "And don't forget you have a wife to take care of. Paradise is unprotected, isn't it?" Saturn said, "Of course. Dimensional Portal!" Saturn creates a portal for Dark Guthorax as he makes his way back to his home planet. In the mean time, Saturn will help General Venierro secure Lucid.

Scene: Paradise Palace of Spirit World Kingdom

Speaking of Saturn's wife, suddenly in Paradise, Ops wakes up and wondered, "Ehh? Where am I? Paradise?" Jupiter's wife Juno, the Goddess of Marriage, said, "You are awake." Ops wondered, "Ehh? Who are you? Oh no..." Something seems to be on Ops's mind, "I gotta go!" She ran in a hurry. Juno yelled in worrisome, "Wait!" but Ops ran out the palace in a hurry. Throughout these billions of years, the archangel Ops, who looks the same as before, middle-aged and chubby, is completely oblivious to everything around her. She doesn't seem to remember being decomposed in the Corruption World. At least, she doesn't yet...

Scene: Planet Ishtar (late evening/dusk on this planet)

[Insert random battle music]
While it's still afternoon on Planet Terra, night time is near on Planet Ishtar, and it could possibly be the planet of angels and demons' final night. Thousands of evil angels and demons were under Adikia's Morality Curse: Evil Influence, causing mayhem in villages. "Ahh-hahahaha!" An innocent male demon in a village said in fear, "This is crazy. Have you all gone insane?" A female angel crying in fear said, "This is all wrong!" Adikia's laugh is heard somewhere in the sky and she says, "All of my fathers would be proud of me. Now to finish what they started." She still remembers how she was born, when her mother Themis Sr. was molested by a gang of evil demons.

Dark Guthorax appears in space right above the planet and sees the chaos happening on the ground. He feels guilty seeing all of his people killing each other and stealing from each other and such, "This is all my fault. If I wasn't so obsessed escaping the void... Adikia, where are you? Show yourself!" Somewhere in the space, "Light Curse: Shining Destruction! [光呪:輝く破壊, Kōnoroi: Kagayaku Hakai]!" A large explosion of chaotic light energy was induced on Guthorax's nether body, "Arrgh!" His ghostly arms were damaged as he guarded against the explosive unholy light. "Found you. Death Ray!" Guthorax figured where Adikia may be and took an accurate guess, firing a dark beam of death, which Adikia evaded. She turned herself visible and said, "You are quite persistent, Master. Ya' know, I really wish I could use that spell against you, but Nether doesn't really work against Nether that well. You may get me out of my real body with that but I'll still live on spiritually as a dark archdevil. So what could someone like you actually do to me?" Guthorax argued, "You shouldn't under estimate the God of Balance, Adikia." Adikia corrected him, "Former God of Balance... or better yet... God of Imbalance." Dark Guthorax said, "We'll see about that." He appears to have acquired and absorbed some æther in Spirit World Kingdom and casts, "Twilight Æther: Yin-Yang Trinity [黄昏霊気:陰陽三位一体, Tasogare Reiki: Onmyō Sanmiittai]!" Using all of the æther he acquired, he activated his ultimate sealing spell. "Huh?" Adikia dropped her guard as she was confused. An eight trigram seal appeared beneath Adikia with a divine energy barrier of light and darkness in shape of a pyramid. Each corner on the bottom of the pyramid barrier has two white orbs and two black orbs alternating and the orb on top of the barrier is mixed with white and black.

"What is this?" Adikia wonders. She tries banging on the barrier but the twilight barrier shocked her its energy, "Aarrgh!" What, what is this power? As the barrier continues to shock Adikia, Dark Guthorax wondered, this should seal her for good but I wondered if I acquired enough æther to finish the job. My first time actually using this æther spell and I never got a chance to use it eons ago. Despite his worrisome, he explained the effect of his spell to his opponent, "Yin-Yang Trinity creates a barrier that'll seal you away permanently. It's over." Let this be it... Adikia yells in pain, "No... NO! I will not accept that."

Scene: Spirit World Kingdom of Spirit World to Planet Ishtar

Meanwhile, Ops suddenly appeared on the surface of Planet Ishtar, far away from Guthorax and Adikia. "I can't believe what's happening in the Kingdom. Yama-sama, where are you? Saturn? Oh no!" She then noticed Guthorax and Adikia battling in the air.

Scene: Planet Ishtar (late evening/dusk on this planet)

A few seconds later, Adikia looks at her master with a grin and said, "Hehehe! Think again." Suddenly, by manipulating the people's minds, a bunch of evil demons and angels from below started casting ranged jinxes, hexes, and offensive charms into space, aiming at Dark Guthorax. Guthorax got distracted but he pretty much took little-to-zero damage. However, his spell was dispersed, "Err! No!" Adikia breaks free. "Ahh-hahahaha!" Not only it was caused by the distraction but it was also caused by the lack of æther energy accumulated from the Kingdom.

However, Adikia's still feels pain, "Arrgh! What's happening to me?" A lot of her physical æther body was breaking apart, revealing her ghostly nether body. Guthorax incants, "Void Nether: Void Shield!" to send random ranged spells targeted at him to the void, "That manipulative..." As Adikia was continuing to feel extra pain, half of her red face started morphing to a pale, beautiful face with an empty eye-hole, with that half of Adikia's mouth saying, "Help me, Master!" The morphed angelic face disappeared with Adikia's left purple eye returning and she wondered what happened, what did I just say? Guthorax was surprised, "Dikē..." So, your spirit is still alive after all. If I could just get them balanced, Themis will be back to normal.

Ops noticed Adikia's change in facial appearance and wondered, "Dikē...? Dikē!" Ops slowly flew in the direction of Guthorax's and Adikia's final battle.

Meanwhile, back at the battle, seeing the anger on her face, Adikia turns invisible and hides her divine energy. "Err... Where are you?" Dark Guthorax wonders. As he was looking away, Adikia reappears incanting, "Light Curse: Flash Bombs [光呪:閃光爆弾達, Kōnoroi: Senkō Bakudan-tachi]!" creating hundreds of tiny balls of light, surrounding Dark Guthorax that exploded all around him, damaging his nether body, "Argh, oof, ahh...!" as well as blinding and deafening him as if he was struck by a cluster of flashbang grenades, I can't see. My hearing is ringing... Adikia taunts him, "You know, you are really pathetic, Master. And just when I thought you were much stronger than I. But now the Student has surpassed the Master." Guthorax, unable to see right now but was just was barely able to clearly hear Adikia's voice, shouted, "Where are you?!" Guthorax was started to lose it again and became desperate, "Fine then. Destruction Nether... Ehh?!" Guthorax curled up his body and he was preparing to do an area-of-effect explosive nether attack, but he then realized, no, if I use my Erasure Wave [抹殺, Massatsu], I may end up blowing up the planet. What am I thinking? Was she manipulating my mind again? Adikia taunts him, "Keep it up, you imbalanced freak. You'll only make it easier for me to control your moral senses. Keep it up! Try me!" Guthorax thought to himself, my sight was taken from me but I'm starting to hear her clearer. My Erasure Wave could take her out no matter where she is but I'll hit the planet at this range too. And I'm out of æther. This cursed body of mine, is there anything I can do with a body of nothingness?

Adikia said, "I think I had enough fun with you, Master. You can go back to the void now." Suddenly, "Heaven's Thunder!" Thunderclouds were summoned in space and Adikia was struck with a powerful force of lightning, "Ahhhh!" It's Paradise King Jupiter but he seems exhausted and beaten up. And his father Saturn is by his side. Guthorax wondered, "What's going on?" He is having a hard time seeing and he just barely heard Jupiter's incantation.

Neptune doesn't seem to be with Jupiter or Saturn. What happened back there?
[/End of random battle music]

Flashback Scene: Spirit World Kingdom (several minutes ago)

[Insert random battle music]
As Lucid was commanding his devils, "Destroy everything, don't leave any traces, including all those that respawn." He then realized something, wait, why are we attacking the Kingdom? He finally notices something isn't right but he isn't completely removed from Adikia's Evil Influence yet.

Even though Adikia is not in Spirit World, her Evil Influence curse is a nearly permanent curse unless if Adikia is either heavily attacked (which will remove the curse from everyone affected by it) or if the victim realizes their morals and resists the effect through willpower and a strong mind and so far, Lucid is the only one trying. People who were affected by her manipulative psychic ability will only be affected as long as she is around, though.

Saturn casts offensive Earth Blessings to move commanded devils out of his way and said, "Lucid, stop this madness." Seeing an archangel opposing him, Lucid grew deeper into the curse, "Hmm... What do you want from me, old man? Get him!" Dozens of devils tried attacking the former King of Paradise and Saturn incants, "Time Æther: Zone Pause!" halting their movements, freezing time in that area, then says to Lucid, "Are you happy, having your morals controlled by another archdevil?" Lucid shouted, "Don't play with me. Darkness Curse: Nightmare Blade!" and swung a screaming aerial blade of chaotic darkness. Saturn defends with, "Earth Blessing: Temple Wall!" summoning a detailed stone wall to block the attack. Saturn said, "I'm surprised. Among all of you archdevils rampaging in Spirit World, I figured you would know what's going on? You're supposed to be the Great Demon Lord of Pride, yet, you're letting someone else take control of your morals, as well as your friend, my eldest son." Lucid yelled, "Silence!" then realized, "Huh?"

As they look into the distance, it appears that King Jupiter and Warden Neptune have slain Cerberus, who was sent back to the Netherworld, waiting to be respawned. However, King Hades have torn his injured brother Neptune apart with his dark flaming hands. Neptune's spirit would eventually be sent to Paradise for recovery since he is an archangel despite living in the Kingdom. Saturn was worried about his fallen son, "Neptune... At least you'll safely be in Paradise for once in a long time."

Lucid finally gain control of his senses trying to call out for his master, "Hades-sama! What was I thinking? That strange female archdevil, I vividly remembered now. I never even heard of a female archdevil. Whoever she is and wherever she came from, she will not get away from harming my pride or Hades-sama's pride." Saturn wondered, "So you're finally back to your old self?" Lucid said, "Don't get me wrong, old man. I'm staying the way I am but I'll bring Hades-sama back to his senses, then I'll take my revenge on that mysterious archdevil." Saturn said, "You shall not. After returning all of the devils and the archdevils back to the Netherworld, I suggest you should return as well." Lucid said, "I'm not listening to you, old man. I'll have my revenge." Saturn said, "She'll only take control over your moral senses again to use against us and the universe is at stake. Adikia's Mortality Curse: Evil Influence, will take any being of evil heart, archdevils like you included, and amplify them, causing chaos and mayhem. Only a strong will such as yours was able to overcome the effect but it's still a major risk. If only if you were archangel again, it wouldn't have happened, though, she has taken control over my son Neptune's morals, almost turning him into an archdevil. Anywho, leave the battle to us archangels unless if you can turn yourself back into one with a sense of righteousness." Lucid said, "I'm fine being who I am and I'm not turning back. You better not mess this up, Great Angelic Saint of Humility. But you better explain yourself as to what's been going on after this is over." Saturn replied, "Deal."

A temporary alliance between archangel and archdevil but among all archdevils, Lucid is the most reasonable and strong-willed archdevil. His friend Hades is almost the opposite, which is why he is still in a frenzy. As Lucid and Saturn were about to aid King Jupiter to stop King Hades, time resumed in the area with frenzied devils and those devils tried to attack Saturn again. Saturn turned his head, "Hmm?" and Lucid ordered them, "Stand down!" An evil influenced devil asked, "Lucid-sama?" Lucid said, "Our fun time is over. Back to the Netherworld, all of you." Another devil asked, "But, Commander—?" "DO NOT MAKE ME ASK AGAIN! We're all returning back to the Netherworld. Do not question me again." Lucid's fearful charisma frightened the evil influenced devils as they shouted in fear, "Y-yes, sir!" and scrammed. Even though their minds are still affected by Adikia, they are still taking orders by the archdevils.

Between the battle between Paradise King Jupiter and Netherworld King Hades, Hades is still standing strong, having the higher advantage. Jupiter was bleeding and he was sitting on the ground, appearing frustrated. King Hades was about to finish his younger brother with his spiked black scepter, "This is what you and Neptune get for meddling in my fun and for sending my beloved Cerberus back to the Netherworld! Now, go back your throne and leave me alone!" Lucid incants, "Darkness Blessing: Shadow Slide!" turning his body into a shadow that quickly dashed to the fight and he blocked King Hades's trident with his Nightmare Sword in his left hand without looking directly at King Hades and knocks the trident out of Hades's hands. King Jupiter wondered, "What?" King Hades shouted, "Lucid, what do you think you are doing?" Lucid said, "Hades-sama, calm down. We're leaving." Saturn approached his son Jupiter and lowered his right hand, "Lucid will take it from here. Come, Jupiter, we must aid my old friend back on my birth planet before it's too late." King Hades shouted at Lucid, "How dare you attack your King, Lucid?!And ordering me around?! I will not forgive this treason! For the first time, that's your first strike for breaking the Devil's Code!" Lucid thought to himself in frustration, are you freaking kidding me?! A strike?! To me?! King Jupiter said while taking his father's hand, "Home planet? Planet Ishtar, you were from, right? But why are you putting your faith in him?" Lucid looked behind while clashing with Hades and said, "Just go already. I'll get him and Asmon back to the Netherworld. Just get that foul witch." Saturn nods and incants, "Dimensional Portal!"

Lucid would actually have a little bit of a hard time dealing with his King. However, the moment when Adikia's face was slightly morphing into Dikē after Dark Guthorax harmed Adikia with Yin-Yang Trinity, that was when her curse completely disappeared from those controlled in Spirit World (only). All of the remaining devils and archdevils returned to the Netherworld with the exception of Belphebub since he's in the void. And even after returning to normal, Asmon, who's been stealing a lot of things the entire time including women while he under Adikia's evil influence, still brought everything he stole into his lair of the Netherworld. As for King Hades, he wanted to get his revenge on the witch who used him but Lucid explained to him and convinced him to leave it to the others since Adikia would use him again but that did not stop Hades from scolding Lucid for attacking him and Lucid was still given that strike for breaking the Devil's Code. Lucid was unhappy and annoyed about that, being the Great Demon Lord of Pride who always tries to be perfect, but Lucid would have to deal with it for eternity.

Scene: In space above Planet Ishtar (dusk above the planet in present time)

After Adikia recovers from the lightning attack, she says optimistically, "Hehe. It doesn't matter how many there are. You can't win." Suddenly, the deities heard Ops saying, "Stop! Please, stop this! Dikē, are you there? Dikē?!" The other deities were surprised with Saturn responding, "Ops?! Why are you here?" Ops noticed her husband grew very old, "S-Saturn? Is that you? You've grown old and—" Adikia makes a smirk. With this distraction, she immediately disappears and reappears, holding Ops hostage, "Aaah-hahahaha!" Saturn grew very worried, "Ops!" Ops's heart was pounding. She was frightened and scared. Jupiter yelled, "Let Mother go!" Ops wondered, "M-Mother? It can't... Juppy, is that really you? How long has it been since I— Adikia covered her mouth with her right black glove and said, "I'm surprised you survive the Corruption World for over billions of years. Whatever Lich-sama did, if I hadn't sent him there too, you would have been completely e-r-a-s-e-d. That snake." This reminded Ops what happened, Oh, that's right. I was going to go to the meeting but— Ops tried calling for help, speaking through Adikia's opened hand, "Dikē, please stop this madness. Turn back!" Adikia's eyes grew serious, "Dikē is dead!" Ops said, "No, I know I saw her. I—" Adikia covered Ops's mouth shut, clawing her face as she bleeds. Saturn shouted, "Stop! Don't harm my wife." Adikia said, "Then you'll do as I say and become my slaves as I rule the entire universe in fear." Ops cries, mumbling, "Dikē, please, stop! Help me..." Her voice was heard.

Suddenly, Adikia's face was partially morphing again for a few seconds, which caused a reaction to Adikia that freed Ops from her grasp, "Ahhhh!" Adikia covered her morphed face. Ops said, "I know you are in there. Think of the good times we've done together when you came over to Paradise. And I even helped raised you. You always came to me when you needed help dealing with this other half. You've always confessed your sins to me, always trying to make things right. Dikē, please, you have to stop her." Adikia shouted in anger while holding her face together, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" As Adikia seemingly remains in control, finding a way to finish off the four, a voice was told through the cracks of Adikia's æther body, "Please, help me." The voice came out of Adikia's mouth and Adikia wondered, "What did I just say?" Dark Guthorax recognized the voice to be Dikē, "I knew it. Erasure Gun!" Guthorax shot a fast bolt of destructive energy at Adikia from his right finger like a gun, destroying some of the æther of Adikia's physical body, "Aaargh! No! Stop!" Adikia's nether energy was leaking out of her body and the nether energy formed into a dark archangel. Dikē was resurrected as a dark archangel, an archangel made of nether energy. Her eye sockets were very deep and empty without the bandages that it appeared creepy. Her hands and forearms, however, appeared to be solid and peachy as if Dikē stole some of her sister's æther. When Adikia opened her eyes, she realized a lot of æther was missing from her arms, revealing her dark nether arms, "What's this? Argh!" Adikia's body of æther and nether was becoming very unstable and she is having a hard time holding this mixed ethereal form together.

Ops wondered, "Dikē, is that really you?" Dark Guthorax was surprised, "Dikē? Her personalities are separated for the first time." Adikia shouted in anger, "You should be dead! Permanently dead! Give me my arms back! Argh!" and flew after Dark Dikē. Saturn said, "You shall not do anything. Time Æther: Zone Pause!" Saturn froze Adikia's movements. However, being the "Supreme God," Adikia can bypass the effects of time magic and as she was trying to move, she said, "I'm a Supreme God. You're Zone Pause won't hold me. As long as I exist..." As Adikia was trying to move through the paused area, Dikē shouted vigorously, "For all the crimes, you committed Adikia, you shall be judged and you shall be punished. Morality Æther: Scale of Justice [道徳霊気:正義の天秤, Dōtokureiki: Seigi no Tenbin]!"
[/End of random battle music]

[Insert random dramatic music]
Using some of the æther she stole from Adikia, a giant golden pan balance scale appeared above Adikia. One of the two suspended golden platforms was labeled "Καλό" (Kaló, lit. "Good" in Greek) in light blue letters. The other suspended platform was labeled "Κακό" (Kakó, lit. "Evil" in Greek). Jupiter wondered, "What is this?" Suddenly, the base of the balance opened up, generating ethereal chains that immediately chained up Adikia to prevent her from escaping. The chains emitted a magical stasis effect that and also temporarily disables Adikia's spells and other magical and psychic abilities since she is going to be judged.

Adikia was furious, "Darn you! Let me go!" There is no escape for her this time. Scale of Justice is a spell that judges a person's or persons' morality and deeds and to make sure they are judged, the targeted victim is chained with their powers temporarily sealed. This is how Themis Jr., back in Spirit World Kingdom as a judge and military commander, determines how evil the suspected criminals she brings in and determines what punishment the suspected criminals should receive.

Being the Goddess of Immorality and the Goddess of All Evil, the balance scale obviously weighed so hard on the Κακό side that the suspended golden plate on that side broke off the chain. Adikia shouted, "Darn it! Errrr! I can't even bring my spirit apart or become invisible. LET ME GO! DIKĒ!" Dikē said in a serious tone, "You have been judged. Adikia, Goddess of Immortality, for all of the crimes you have committed and for all those you have manipulated, you shall be punished and you shall be purified entirely." Adikia was shown, sweating in fear, "... Purified?!" Adikia had an idea on what punishment Dikē is going to give her and struggled in fear, "No, this can't be happening! Let me go! You can't do this to your sister!" Dark Dikē was preparing for her most devastating blessing, "Normally, if you were only if a corrupted archdevil, or had a chance of redemption, this would turn you into a good archangel, but you, being an unnaturally-made archdevil—being made of only pure evil—by the curse of our fathers..." Adikia shouted in fear, "No, don't! I don't want to die!" Dikē incants her ultimate blessing, "Morality Blessing: Purify the Wicked [道徳恵:邪悪を浄化, Dōtokumegumi: Jaaku o Jōka]!" A holy light flashed upon Adikia from outer space. Adikia's screamed in pain as her entire unstable body of æther and nether body were disappearing into spiritual particles. If either Lucid or Pluto (or even Asmon) was nearby if they tagged along when Dikē casted this spell to obliterate the evilness in Adikia, they would have forcefully be turned into archangels after taking a huge amount of pain. Adikia, being 100% pure evil was obliterated entirely since she had 0% good in her and because she was unnaturally made.
[/End of random dramatic music]

[Insert random relaxing music]
Dark Dikē used all of the æther she acquired to finish her sister for good, "Goodbye, little sister. There is one more thing left for me to do. We cannot live individually after all." Dark Dikē reaches her ghostly right arm at the spiritual particles of æther and nether and absorbed them into her nether body. Soul Curse: Soul Absorption is usually required to absorb someone else's soul but nether beings and (former) necromancers can do this natively, which is how Adikia was able to take the other deities souls without using that curse and how Zecross in the future timeline took Yama's soul with the magical wristband (Leviasatan in history wasn't a necromancer but he forcefully inhaled Behemoth's spirit in his mouth as much as he could into his demon body). Plus, Dikē states, "Our cursed body wouldn't survive without each other. If I really truly died back then, so would have you." They technically share the same soul and if Adikia's spirit were to be permanently gone, so would Dikē and vice-versa. That curse upon birth... Sharing the same soul is why Guthorax couldn't tell the difference between them in the void when he found their spirits in the void and Adikia used her mental psychic powers to trick Guthorax into thinking that was Themis or Dikē the entire time and Guthorax wasn't able to suspect Adikia with his mind under her control. Adikia remained in a low profile the entire time while pretending Dikē was changing sides.

Anyway, by absorbing Adikia's spirit, nether, and æther, Dark Dikē's body morphed into Themis but with mixed æther and nether energy. Jupiter wondered, "She's turning?" Dark Guthorax said, "It's over." By now, everyone who were mentally affected by Adikia's curse or manipulative psychic ability was back to their previous self, except for the devils of Spirit World. Themis Jr. said to herself, "Now, to do the right thing." I'm going to miss having this body for a while.Themis releases all of the æther from her body including the souls of Yama the Enma, Mercury, and Mars. The damaged souls returned back to Spirit World to properly heal before they could respawn. Themis now turned into "Dark" Themis. Her eye sockets were still just as deep and empty like Dikē's. Guthorax flew over to her and said, "Themis." Jupiter was confused, "Themis? I thought they said her name was Dikē? Now she's Themis? Still, no eyes." Saturn explained, "This is her true self. Well, not the ghostly nether part but when you saw the æther around her. That cursed child. Born a mutated nephalem." Jupiter wondered, "A mutated nephalem?" Saturn explained, "She was supposed to be born as Dikē by her mother, Themis I'm sure you saw her mother a few times in Paradise. Back on Planet Ishtar, our birth planet right here, her mother was molested by a group of demon terrorists, cursing her unborn angel child with an unnatural demon of pure evil. I was too late to stop their birthing process when I noticed. When we built Spirit World, Themis Junior was having a hard time keeping her evil personality, Adikia, under control. We lost a few of our deity friends when Adikia caused mayhem in Spirit World. Your mother Ops, Lich... Adikia banished them both to the Corruption World where they would disintegrate into nothing. I commended the archdevil Lich for saving her life but I despised the dreadful methods he used." Ops remembered, "Oh, right. Lich... I should thank him later. He saved my life." "Mother..." said Jupiter. Ops suddenly hugs King Jupiter in happiness and said, "You've grown so much since I last saw you Juppy, my sweet Cupid of Lightning." Jupiter was embarrassed, "Mother, stop embarrassing me here. I'm the King of Paradise for crying out loud. And it's Jupiter-sama or Holy Son." Ops said happily, "I knew you would take your daddy's place. I haven't seen you since you were just a baby. Neppy, Plutty, where are your brothers?" King Jupiter was kind of getting annoyed, "Mother!"

The nether archnephalems Guthorax and Themis regrouped with the archangels and Guthorax said, "Let's return at once." Themis apologized to them, "I'm so sorry, everyone. I've done so many horrible things, even when we were in the void. Truly, I am sorry. And I'm sorry for what I did to your brothers and family, Jupiter-sama. I'll punish myself dearly. I am a disgrace to my title as the Goddess of Morality and Justice." King Jupiter doesn't know what to say. Guthorax said softly, "Enough. You can have your personal punishment later. Your Adikia personality was purified and should be unconscious for a very long time. But to make sure if she becomes conscious again, remember to keep balance between good and evil, between order and chaos, between the light and the dark, and..." Themis understood, "Okay, I get it, Master. Must remain balance, not to let either of my personalities become envious or superior." Saturn said, "It's good to have you back, Supreme God of Balance." Jupiter was worried. Dark Guthorax said, "I do not qualify to be Supreme God nor the title as the God of Balance. Not after what happened eons ago. But I will restore balance once more." Saturn said, "Heh, then you are still the God of Balance I remembered, in the least. Now. Dimension Æther: Dimensional Portal!"

Scene: Capital of Demon World (afternoon on the planet's area)

All of the soldiers of Demon World grouped to the palace. General Karoa recovered her energy and Galactica is back to her normal self but still feels sleepy with General Venierro holding her up. A lot of soldiers died this war but they died with honor: Major General Barburos... Major General Rosella (alive but forever self-incapacitated)...Major General Vincelot... Lieutenant General T.F. GolbarLieutenant General Black Knight and his owl friend (against Argus the Iron Titan at the start), Lieutenant General Rajin (against Hyenus Maximus at the start)... Major General Roxx (not a very well known Royal Knight but was also defeated against Maximus)... Zack's brother Lotus Stardragon...

Most of the known soldiers survived to the end were ironically lower ranked warriors including: EarthAshuronVincent BariKeith... VictorRed Lion LeoGale StarlilyZack Snapdragon... They barely survived the onslaught by the undead and dark devils but they did not come out unharmed. Zack protected Gale all the way and nearly died as she is crying on his body while holding him up. He lost his left hand. Leo ripped his left arm off after being infected by a zombie before a medic came for him. Vincent Bari had more battle scars than before. Earth's face was bleeding and his golden armor was damaged. Ashuron lost some of his flesh (but is healed from any possible infections) and Keith is all bandaged up, smoking a cigar. These warriors fought honorably and vigorously. The Angel Peacekeeping Army and Nephalem Military Police Force are turning back to Spirit World now that they finished off Adikia's dark devils, sending them to the Netherworld. Those dark devils will eventually turn into regular devils from the unholy æther of the Netherworld.

But now, it is time...

In front of Lord Gul'ren's dark fortress, Gash Bell says while giving his crown to Patie since it was being recognized as his again, "I hereby surrender my title as King of Demon World to another." Patie holds up Gash's crown, which decided to choose her, and Patie makes a wish, "Now that this nightmarish war is over, as the new Queen of Demon World, my wish is to restore everything... all life... all of the beauty of this world's nature—back to how it was before this nightmare started—under the reign of Gash Bell-sama... once more." Color and life spread across the cross. All of the blighted lands have been purified. Nature was revived... water became clean... non-sentient demons like birds, insects, and fish came back to life. And recently dead demons whose corpses still remained in Demon World are resurrecting... The planet is looking very beautiful as it once was. Some resistance soldiers confirmed that the land was returning to normal and their recently fallen warriors and acolytes came back to life. As the slain acolytes were waking up, they were immediately apprehended by Resistance soldiers. And finally, the dark fortress transformed back into the Bell family palace how it was before the Laughing Deathstock Gang took over.
[/End of random relaxing music]

[Insert random fanfare music]
Everyone celebrated.

Gash said, "You did it." Patie nodded, "Mmm!" and gave Gash his crown back, "I hereby surrender my title as Queen of Demon World with my wish given to the returning King." Once Gash got his crown back and noticed the wish carried on, he hugged Patie deeply, crying in happiness, "Thank you. Thank you so very much." Patie honestly said, "Though I wish I could still be queen, this is your world. You're the true ruler." While hugging his girlfriend, Gash said, "You can still be queen." Patie said happily, "Really? When?" Gash cried happily, "Unu! Not sure yet but I promise you that you'll be queen. Thank you for supporting me, giving me hope, in all of these bad times. We'll get to see Kiyomaro and the others again. Sometimes, maybe." Patie cried happily too.

Earth said, "It's so good seeing His Majesty back to the throne again." Vincent Bari said, "Well, he's technically not on the throne yet." Earth said, "It was an expression but I can finally become His Majesty's legal advisor once more." Vincent Bari said, "Hmm... How boring," and walked away. Keith, who pretty much looked like a mummy with all the bandages, said to his proclaimed rival, "Fine, you win this battle of survival Bari, but next time, I'll win the next competition and—Gaaah!" Keith's body was aching and his wounds were opening up. A nurse said to him, "Try not to move, and why are you smoking in your condition?"

While Gale Starlily was holding her new boyfriend on the ground, she said, "Everything's back to normal." Zack responded, "I'm glad." Gale said, "Hey, Barburos-sama came back to life, and the other fallen soldiers. Wait, how about Lotus and Lucida-chan? Do you think they... Where are they?" Gale was worried. Gale laid Zack back down and asked one of the nurses, "Hey, nurse, have you seen my sister? Corporal Gale Sisterlily? And my friend's brother? Corporal Lotus Stardragon. Their dead bodies. Margaret-san was watching over them." The nurse said, "Margaret-san might be on the other planet with them. I'm sorry." Gale asked, "Since everyone is coming back to life, could they..." The nurse said, "I'll ask Veni-sama." Gale said to Zack, "I'll be back." Zack, on the ground, responded, "K..."

Galactica finally wakes up and asked, "Uuuuh... Qu'est-il arrivé?" ⟨"What happened" in French⟩ General Venierro said, "Finally back to normal?" Galactica wondered, "Heh? Who're you? Veni?" Venierro responded, "You can call me Venierro for now on." Galactica wondered, "Why do you look different?" Venierro explained, "This is actually my true form. Can you move?" Galactica said, "Oui," ⟨"Yes" in French⟩ and Venierro let go of her. Venierro then said to Marshal General Zeon, "Marshal General, Your Highness, I'll bring everyone back to this world." Zeon nodded. Suddenly, the messenger nurse asked Venierro while Gale followed the nurse, "Wait, Veni-sama, before you go, will you check on the dead people on Planet Zenma to see if they are reviving." Galactica remembered something, "Other planet? Oh right, you brought the survivors to the new planet. Oof, so many memory gaps in my head right now, it's hard for me to remember what I was doing." Even though Adikia has taken control over Galactica's body, there were times when Galactica thought that was herself and anything out of character, Galactica doesn't remember. General Venierro responded to the nurse, "There is no point. It's true while everyone on this planet who still had a corpse are coming back to life from the King's wish, the King's wish doesn't affect those outside of this planet." Gale cried, "No... Then my sister... and my boyfriend are still gone." General Venierro said, "I'm afraid so. I apologize."

Guess it wasn't a happy ending for everyone, unfortunately.

Gale returned to Zack to give him the bad news, "They're... they're..." Zack gets it from Gale's expression alone, "I know. If only if they were here. Since the afterlife world seeming does exist, they'll be watching us from above, I'm sure." Zack then hopes his younger brother hears his voice, "Lotus, if you can hear my voice in the afterlife, please take care of Lucida-chan for me and Gale. I don't mind if you end up dating my fiancée. I miss her so much." Gale said, "But Lotus was my boyfriend. That would technically be cheating on me." Zack then said, "I guess but in a weird way. But when our time comes and when we see them again, I wouldn't mind us splitting apart to be with our loved ones, if they do the same. I wanted to marry your sis after all and Lotus wanted to confess to you." Gale giggled and cried, "Yeah. You are also my boyfriend, at the moment, but I'd love to be with him again and hear what he has to say. Lucida-nēchan, if you can hear me, take care of my Lotipoo. Please."

Scene: The camp at Planet Zenma (afternoon in Zenma) and occasionally switching to Planet Terra/Demon World (afternoon there)

General Venierro warped to Planet Zenma and announced, "The war is officially over. The Dark Lord is defeated. With a new wish granted, all that we lost today have returned to life and the planet is restored. We're going home. All those that died today on Demon World didn't die out of vain and were brought back to life from the wish." All of the civilians of Terra were surprised, "Really?!"/We won?!"/"Hurray!" A random demon wondered and was worried, "Wait, all revived? Does that mean all of the bad guys revived?" Gash's and Patie's friends were happy. Tio said happily, "They did it?!" Kyanchome shouted, "Yaaaay!" while Byonko hops happily, "Gero! Gero! Gero!" A group of survivors asked Venierro, "What about this planet? Since this planet seems, fairly new, could we also start life on this planet?" General Venierro said, "Give me a moment," and teleported back to Planet Terra.

Back on Planet Terra, he asked the Marshal General about it. Zeon said in frustration, "Gosh, darn it! We lost too many people on this planet already to the enemy. We have less than 25% of demon population even after everyone is coming to life and we need all the help we can get." Galactica wondered, "Planet Zenma is a fine magical planet. Life just started on that planet within the last few years and it could use a lot of work since it could take eons until sentient inhabitants would rise on the planet." Gash said, "It's a really nice planet. So many trees and the nature..." Patie said, "It's pretty!" Gash asked, "But... I don't want to force everyone to come back if they don't but... I do wish our friends to come back, at least." Marshal General was rethinking about it, "Gosh, darn it. Hmm... Welp... As long as the majority of people return here with their friends and family, fine."

General Venierro returns back to Planet Zenma and said, "His Returning Majesty and His Highness has allowed it but a majority of you folks must return to Demon World. Those who wish to stay, may. Be concern about the numbers you wish living here and living on Terra. Think about the choices your friends and family would want to make." The group of survivors that was asking about that question was happy. They were the same group of survivors who Brago was hiding with during Brago's time fighting the Acolytes of the Nether. The leader of that particularly group of survivors walked up to Brago and asked him, "Kind sir, for everything you've done for us. Will you take the position as King of this planet or will you be...?" Brago was thinking about it where he wants to go, "Hmm!" A few seconds later after deciding, he said, "I don't really have anywhere else to go. So be it. If you want me to be your leader, don't expect me to go easy like Gash-sama." Tio and the others were surprised and Kyanchome said, "Ehhhh?! He's leaving us?" Tio said, "I never understood what's going on in his mind." Brago thinks to himself, this is it, Sherry. After that hard work we've been through to make me King, I've been selected as King on a New World. Farewell, forever... He was thinking about his former human partner.

General Venierro said, "If there is anyone else wishing to stay, say it now. The rest of you, we're returning to Demon World." Before leaving back into Demon World with her family, Tio asked Brago, "Are you sure you don't want to come back?" Brago ordered Tio, "Tell the King, I found a new place. And tell him not to lose his title again." Tio was suddenly agitated, finding his comment to be somewhat rude, "Fine! Don't come back!" Brago ignores Tio's anger.

Scene: Capital City of Demon World (afternoon)

After General Venierro brings most of the civilians back to Demon World, Tio told Gash about Brago with Gash responding, "Really? Brago's not coming back? He's gonna be King of that new planet." Tio said, "He's so arrogant." Gash was surprisingly happy, "I'm glad for him." Tio and his friends were shocked, "Huh?!" Gash said, "Brago is a strong demon. One of the strongest demons I fought and he came in second place of the battle to decide King. I'm sure he'll bring goodness to that new planet." His friends were baffled and Kyanchome can't believe it, "I doubt that..." Patie suddenly glomps Gash from his right side and said, "Meanwhile, I'm gonna be Gash's queen! We're getting married!" and kissed his left cheek. Gash felt embarrassed and shouted, "Patie, not now. Too soon!" Patie yelled in her angry tone, "BUT YOU SAID..." Gash cries in a circle with an angry Patie chasing him but she is pretty much pretending, playing around with him. Gash shouted in fear while shaking Patie off, "Knock it off!" Patie jumped on Gash and hugged him and said, "Just kidding. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But still, you will... Please tell me you're.." Gash cried in fear, "Yes, I'll make you queen. Of course. I'm just not ready yet. Give me a week or so." Patie winked, "Don't make me wait too long." Byonko asked Patie, "So, were you able to be queen when you left-gero?" Patie said, "A little bit. I did what I thought was right. Restoring the planet and giving the title back to Gash. But that's fine since we'll eventually but married." Gash said, "I did promise you that but I still don't feel comfortable about this. And please don't call me 'husband'; I don't want to feel old." Patie said, "Ya know, I really miss Raiden and Rain. When we get older and... you know... I wonder if we'll probably have them again... or would it be someone new?" Gash still felt embarrassed, "I miss them too but I don't want to about... babies. But even so, I just want us to still act like friends, even though I do see you as family, ever since what happened to our parents, during my saddest times. But I'm still not really into that romance stuff." Patie said, "Deal. Once I become your queen, I feel like this whole world will be like... like our family. Not just about us anymore. There are millions of people to look out for and to care for and to protect." Gash agrees to that, "Unu."

Meanwhile, as the Royal Knights were talking, General Whir asked, "So tell me, Karoa? Where were you when I was waiting for you or Rosella to seal away the Dark Lord?" General Karoa said, "Huh? I was busy dealing with Zon'mortuis. It took all of my energy to seal him away, permanently." General Whir wondered, "Zon'mortuis, ehh? Then why did I see him riding Stalghor to confront a succubus-like creature?" Karoa wondered, "What do you mean? Nothing can escape my ice. Shin Furizudon. The village is completely frozen solid from the sky to the subterrane." General Venierro explained, "Actually, Zon'mortuis was seemingly teleported and restored by the Lich King, the King of the Undead. But they may be gone for good when they were banished to another realm." Karoa wondered, "Who?" General Venierro didn't want to explain anything Spirit World-related to someone who doesn't know about it so he said, "Nothing to worry about. He dealt with the Dark Lord and the Deathscream Warchief. They're gone. That's all you need to know what happened when you were unconscious." General Karoa said, "No, I'm confused. I need to know more. Tell me, Veni!" Venierro is trying his best not to say anything about Spirit World and said, "I will later. Now's not the time when there are people around." There are a lot of people around that don't know about it. General Moko interfered, "No need to pressurize him. He'll tell you everything. I'll make sure of it, later, unless if he wants me to do the talking. I've been watching and hearing things."

"There you are!" Major General Barburos is looking alive again as he has so much anger on his face, marching towards Venierro. He also sees Galactica alive and well and is angered by that, "Why are those traitors still alive?!" As he was about to go for an attack, General Whir quickly interfered Barburos's reckless attack and said, "Stand down, soldier." Barburos wondered, "General? What's going on here?" Whir said, "Did dying really killed a lot of your brain cells? The war is over. Our Paladin of Cosmic Space was under mind possession. Don't make yourself look like a threat to your fellow soldiers again or I'll demote you from Royal Status rank." Barburos turned around and apologized, "Fine, sorry. But I'd like an explanation later, General."

Meanwhile, Marshal General Prince Zeon Bell asked General Venierro, "So, Venierro, what do you plan on doing next? You were never from here." Venierro said, "Like I said, this world is much of a home as it is in... the other world. I've been living in both worlds with my dimensional clone." General Karoa said, "Well I wish you would have told the truth about who you were. Why am I the only one left in the dark?" Venierro said, "My apologies. But I was by any means not to let anyone know about... the other world." Karoa wondered, "The so-called Spirit World?" Venierro said telepathically, yes, Spirit World, the world of the dead. And I am a nephalem, an angel-demon hybrid, and I'm a General of the Nephalem Military Police Force in the Spirit World realm known as Spirit World Kingdom, which explains my armor. But note this, I still considered myself to be an honorary Lieutenant General of Demon World Military. Karoa understood, "Okay then..." She is curious about his backstory and wondered, "Why is it that the Paladins of the Universe always have secrets hiding behind our backs?" Venierro said, "We do have a bad reputation for that. But know this, this world is also family to me ever since I came here and I'm honored to serve our true King once more."

Prince Zeon wondered, "So, what are those other guys up to right now? If you're not allowed to say, you don't have to." General Venierro was taking a look in Spirit World.
[/End of random fanfare music]

Scene: Netherworld of Spirit World

Meanwhile, in the Netherworld, "I can't believe it. The Netherworld? Darn you, Deathscream!" Behind him, someone said, "Great, you pulled us into the Netherworld as well." It was Zecross and Zega was with him. "Zecross," said Gul'ren deeplu. Zecross smirked, "Heh! We finally have our memories back. Looks like you had another traitor in the midst other than myself. Actually, make that two more. Who knew that your 'Lich King' powers betrayed you too." They seem to have all of their memories back, now that they are considered "dead". Gul'ren was upset, "Trrrrr! Blast that Lich King! And darn you, Deathscream. I hope Hades-sama burns you in the deep purgatories to Behemoth's remains." Speaking of Behemoth, his soulless corpse reappeared in the deeper purgatories of the Netherworld.

As for Dan'ro Deathscream, while everyone is still powerless in the Netherworld, he still has his nether powers. Right now, he is causing mayhem, obliterating devils into the void, destroying the infernal plains, "Arrrrgh! Raaagh!" "What in tarnation is going on here?" King Hades appears and he looks mad. Dan'ro Deathscream said, "Finally, the King of the Netherworld. I'll blast you into the void with my powers of the Nether! Destruction Nether..." Suddenly, before Dan'ro could finish his incantation, he was instantly swept by a stream of black flames, "Aaaargh!" and turned into spiritual particles, waiting to be respawned. King Hades said, "Hmm... Powers of the Nether..." he collected Dan'ro's soul and said calmly, "Interesting. The same type of power Belphebub had. How did a mere demon get a hold of this kind of chthonian magic? Hmm!" King Hades seems... happy?!

But he wasn't too happy when he got back to his throne, "Hmm...?! Who is sitting on my throne?" The Lich King was restored, "Greetings, Your Majesty." King Hades readies his black scepter and said, "Who do you think you are, sitting on my throne? That's a strike for breaking the Devil's Code" The Lich King stood up and said, "Is that a way how you greet the founder of the Netherworld? Your threats mean nothing to me as I am not one of your archdevils nor am I a resident of the Netherworld, though this should have been my place. But I must say you did a wonderful job finishing this world during my incapacitated years for many eons. But know this, Your Unholy One, keep yourself and your devils under control and fix that darn Devil's Code of yours. Now if you'll excuse me, the Kingdom may need my help. It'll take a while for Enma-dono to restore so I'll take my Master's place until he resurrects." The Lich King teleported out of the Netherworld through smoke and King Hades shouted softly, "Good riddance. Who does he think he is, talking to me like that?" It's sad that Lich gets no respect for being the original founder of the Netherworld.

Scene: Judgment Palace of Spirit World Kingdom

Lich apparated from smoke in the Judgment Palace on Yama's throne and said, "Now then..." Suddenly, a bunch of dead demon souls that were queued for judgment suddenly got scared seeing a giant wizarding skeleton appearing before them as if he's the Grim Reaper judging their souls, "Am I really that scary?" But Lich will judge them just as fair as Yama did, despite appearing to be a scary archdevil but once Yama returns, Lich will take back his original job of being Warden of Spirit World Kingdom's Spirit Prison, which is Neptune's job, but...

Scene: Paradise Palace of Spirit World

Mars, Mercury, and Neptune are still waiting to be respawned in Paradise but everything seems to be alright in Paradise for the most part. Jupiter was on his throne with his wife Juno, the Goddess of Marriage, by his side. Jupiter's mother Ops suddenly appeared behind them giving them a hug as close as she could and says in a cute tone, "I'm so happy for you, my little Juppy. You really have grown so much and I can't wait to see your other kids when they come back." King Jupiter yelled, "Mother, respect, please!" Ops is quite the jolly lady. She asks Juno, "So Juno, deary, how long have you been with my little Juppy for and how many kids?" Jupiter is feeling really embarrassed and agitated. Juno responded, "Well, Jupiter-sama had other affairs before me. While we do have three children, Venus here included, Mars is my only biological son." Venus smiled and Jupiter is just embarrassed. Ops then cried to her husband, "And Saturn, why did you grow so old on me?" Saturn said, "Well... It's been billions of years since then." Ops said, "Then make me as old as you. I shouldn't look too young in-front of my grandchildren when they return." Saturn said, "R-Right," and ages her wife into an old lady. Now she is a smiling old lady just like Sabae "Wife" Nakata, an old kind and naïve Japanese human lady. Ops then said, "... And Neppy. And I'm so sad that Plutty turned bad on us. He doesn't want to talk to me anymore. When I tried visiting him in the awful place below, he told me to 'scram'! Waaah-hahahaaaa!" Saturn patted his wife on the back, "There, there. We had a lot of problems with Pluto in the past."

Anyways, what will Neptune do if Lich takes over his job as Prison Warden and if Themis were to take her job back as the Commander of Nephalem Military Police Force?

Scene: Divine Waterfall Meditation Grounds of Spirit World Kingdom

As for Dark Guthorax and Dark Themis, they were medicated in front of a shiny waterfall on golden circle grounds. As they were meditating, they were slowly re-acquiring æther, slowly returning back to their original forms with their physical bodies. They were chanting the order of universal balance together, "Good... Evil... Light... Darkness... Order... Chaos... Life... Death... Yin... Yang... Bringing into balance... Neutrality... Twilight... Chaord... Undeath... Yin-Yang... They combine... They are the universe..." An intriguing chant, perhaps...

Epilogue: Royal Bell Family Palace's throne room of Demon World (a week later)

[Insert random overworld music]
The week after the battle, a lot of civilians were invited to the palace. Now Demon World seems a lot better (though, a lot of work still needs to be made), they are having a festival this week, celebrating the re-kingship of King Gash Bell... and his marriage...... He doesn't feel ready, at all...

At a table while drinking juice, Kyanchome said, "I can't believe Gash-sama's getting married already." Tio said, "I don't know if he can go through it, knowing him. He isn't the romantic type and it's a surprise he asked her so soon but still..." Wonrei and Li Yen were with them Wnorei said, "I think they are a bit too young for this marriage thing but—" Li Yen said while holding his hands, "Seeing them getting married and so young makes me want to marry you, Wonrei." Wonrei said with an embarrassing look, "Right now?" Though, he would like to accept it.

Suddenly, "Yo!" Ted towards his friends with his girlfriend Cherish by his side. Tio was happy to see him, "Ted!" They are dressed very nicely: Ted in a black suit and Cherish in an emerald-colored dress and emerald-colored high heels. Cherish said, "Sorry, we're late. His wedding hasn't started yet, has it?" Tio said, "Not yet." Ted said, "I'm surprised the little guy—I mean His Majesty is getting married. I mean, I still haven't proposed to Cherish yet. Umm..." Cherish said, "Not now." Li Yen was awestruck with her dress, "Ahh, you look so pretty. I love your dress." Cherish thanked her, "Thanks." Ted said, "Honestly, she was the reason why we're late. Girls 'n' makeup and stuff." Cherish yelled, "What do you mean? You were too busy trying to get that tie straight. And one of your shoes came undone!" Ted looks at his feet and noticed his right dress shoe wasn't tied and quickly tied it up, "Yikes!" He then asked, "So, where is His Majesty right now?"

Meanwhile, in a bathroom of the palace, King Gash looked very nervous. He was wearing a black suit just like Ted. He can't believe it's already happening, "You can do this... you can do this... Just... get this over with... I made a promise to make her queen... We can still be like-friends after... No need to worry. No babies... No mommy or daddy stuff... Just regular..." Prince Zeno knocked on the door and asked, "Are you done yet, Your Majesty? We're about to start." King Gash slightly jumped and stuttered, "Ehh! U-Unu. B-be right there." He's sweating. Can he go through this wedding?

Minutes later after the wedding initiation and when Gash and Patie got on the platform to the two thrones, the wedding ceremony was nearly coming to a close. Will they do it? The pastor read his wedding textbook on the pedestal, reading out loud, "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the marriage of His Majesty, the King of Demon World..." Right now, Gash is very really nervous. Can he "survive" the wedding he proposed? He did it early just to get it over with but could it be too much for him? As the pastor was continuing talking, they finally got to the last part, the vow... "Your Majesty, will you take this fine woman—Ahem!—girl, to be your beloved queen?" Gash stutters, "I d-d-d-do..."

Patie looks fine. She is wearing a light blue beautiful dress with a light blue gown over her head and she is wearing blue mary jane flats. Her mildly long hair was tied into a small ponytail with a blue ribbon instead of pink. She is showing off a pretty smile, showing off her blue n' yellow lips (which could be yellowtail flavored), standing still. But without showing any other emotion other than being internally ecstatic (especially since Gash said "I do"), she can tell how nervous Gash is.

The pastor said to the new-queen-to-be, "And to the dearly beloved, will you take His Majesty to be your husband, obtaining the royalty status as Queen of Demon World?" Patie yelled happily and highly, "I DO!" The pastor proceeds, "And for the royal gifts. You each have been given a ring that symbolizes your love, your friendship, and your devotion, as well as a crown to give new royalty—"

Suddenly, silence. Was something supposed to happen?

The pastor repeated himself, "I said... 'And for the royal gifts'..." Kyanchome ran to the platform, "Oh right! Coming!" Looks like he's the best man and he is exhausted from running, "Heh, heh, sorry, I just couldn't help myself to the candy but here it is." Kyanchome brought a box of rings as well as the queen's crown but as he was bringing them, loads of candy he collected in his suit fell through his shirt and he tried picking them up and as quickly as possible, "Doooooh!!!" and quickly raised the box of gifts up. A golden ring with a red gem for the King and a golden ring with a blue gem for the bride, as well as the queen's crown, with the same color of Patie's orange spellbook. The pastor continues after a cough, "Hmhmhmhm! Where was I? Ahh! 'You each have been given a ring that symbolizes your love, your friendship, and your devotion, as well as a crown to give to new royalty. Take the ring opposite to you and placed them on your beloved's ring finger or any appropriate fittable area if possible'..." The pastor has that written just in case when he does a marriage with demons without ape-like hands. Gash let Patie place his red-gem ring on him, "Here you go!" while Gash gives Patie the blue-gem ring, placing it on her right ring finger, "Here... here you go..." The pastor continues, "... And His Majesty crowns his new queen..." Gash grabs Patie's crown and as Patie bows down, Gash sets it on her head. The pastor continues, "The gifts were exchanged. Your hearts have been connected. At this moment, you may now kiss your new queen." Gash is really stuttering a lot, wondering, "Y-you mean, like... on the lips? In front of everyone?" Patie, while she was keeping her smile up, she was internally getting impatient, Oh, come on, Gash-chan! I'm even wearing the yellowtail lipstick you liked so much. As Patie was puckering up, Gash tried going up to her but... "I CAN'T DO THIS!!!" Gash reached his limit and started bailing. Patie yelled at him angrily in her normal voice, "Gash-chan, get back here!" and started chasing after him. In the background, Tio totally got that right, "I knew he couldn't do it..."

Second try! Gash and Patie are back on the platform. Gash is a little bit more confident now and the pastor redoes the last part, "Let's try again, shall we? Ahem! 'The gifts were exchanged. Your hearts have been connected. At this moment, you may now kiss your new queen.'" Gash tries to go in. Suddenly, Kyanchome, appearing to be a yo-yo via Poruku with a string stuck to the ground off the platform via bubble gum, was pulled by Tio behind the second throne, causing Gash to trip, making him accidentally glomp Patie with his lips smashed onto hers. He was so not prepared for that, but that ends young Gash's saga there with a picture shot from a camera-shape demon during the accidental kiss.
[/End of random overworld music]

Bonus Scene?!: A prison carriage... outside the palace... during the wedding

[Insert random comedic music]
Meanwhile, "Hey Thodrum, what did the snake said to a nearly broken radio? It'ssssssss sssstarting to losssssssse connection-ssssss." Oh, Hyenus... Hyenus Maximus , who is currently in a small iron jail cell with his pal Thodrum Thunderbeard, was making bad jokes to pass the time. They didn't have their memories erased yet but they are covered in anti-magic straight jackets to prevent them from escaping or using spells. Thodrum responded to Maximus's dumb joke, "Ahh, tairible joke!" ⟨"Ah, terrible joke!"⟩ Hyenus thought it was worth a shot, "Eh..." Thunderbeard then wondered, "Maxi, mah gaffer, whin ur we getting oot o' 'ere?" ⟨"Maxi, my boss, when are we getting out of here?"⟩ Hyenus said, "Any time you want. That Marshal General said we can leave at any time, but that is if you want all of your memories removed. Amnesia; clean slate mind." Thunderbeard said, "A'd lik' tae git rid o' mah auld lang syne o' that nightmare we've bin thro', bit ah dinnae wantae lose mah auld lang syne o' mah bro Cid."⟨"I'd like to get rid of my memories of that nightmare we've been through, but I don't want to lose my memories of my bro Cid."⟩

Suddenly, Hyenus asks another bad joke, "Hey Thodrum, what do you call a hyena trapped a cage? A CRAZY LUNATIC! Let me out of here!" He starts banging his head on iron bars inside the prison carriage. Thodrums wishes he could facepalm himself if he wasn't trapped in a straight jacket, "Haaeeeeee....."
[/End of random comedic music]

List of Chapters (remake) on DeviantART

Volume 1: Demon Revolutionary War - The Revolution Begins
Volume 2: Demon Revolutionary War - Climax of Chaos
Volume 3: The Zulu Empire
Volume 4: Revolution from the Dead
Volume 5: The Fallen King - Reign of Chaos
Volume 6: The Fallen King - Battle of the Dead
Volume 7: The Fallen King - For the Nether

List of Chapters (original/obsolete) on DeviantART